store systems
Make your stores more productive using our Store Systems tools designed with your daily operations and activities in mind that include:
- Sales, Layaways, Orders
- Customer Purchases
- Customer Loyalty Program
- Customer Relationship Management
- Email Receipts
- Merchandise Catalog
- Address Verification & Standardization
- Secure Debit & Credit Cards Processing
- Financing
- Gift Cards
- Dashboard
- Chain-Wide Sales Slip Viewer
- Shipping & Receiving
- Expenses (Petty Cash)
- Item Entry Merchandise Images
- Sales Commission Reporting
- Item Level Prompting
- Foreign Currency
- Returns/Exchanges/Trades/Breakouts
- Service/Repair Tracking
- Near Real-Time Diagnostic Support
RTmPos combines the agility of mobile with the power of RAPID/POS to further enhance the customer experience through:
- Sales, Layaways, Orders
- Customer Purchases
- Customer Loyalty Program
- Customer Relationship Management
- Email Receipts
- Merchandise Catalog
- Address Verification & Standardization
- Secure Debit & Credit Cards Processing
- Financing
- Gift Cards
- Dashboards
- Chain-wide Sales Slip Viewer
- Item Entry Merchandise Images
- Item Level Prompting
- Foreign Currency
- Returns/Exchanges/Trades/Breakouts
- Service/Repair Images and Tracking
- Near Real-Time Diagnostic Support